Living Independently
with Developmental Disabilities
What is PAL?
Personal Affordable Living, Inc. (PAL) is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation organized for the sole purpose of establishing high quality, affordable, community housing for adults with Developmental Disabilities.
Our Mission Statement
PAL believes that persons with Developmental Disabilities are entitled to opportunities for full participation in the life of their community. The mission of PAL is to make affordable homes available and meet the individual residential needs of each tenant.
What is a Developmental Disability?
As defined by the state of Colorado, a developmental disability is a disability that: “…occurs before the person reaches 22 years of age, substantially impacts the person’s daily life, is caused by mental [impairment] or related conditions (for example: Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, or other neurological conditions) and impairs the person’s general intellectual functioning, or adaptive behavior similar to that of a person with mental [impairment]. People with developmental disabilities have an IQ of 70 or below and they experience significantly limited daily living skills in two or more areas.”
Read the full definition and determination rule.
We at PAL recognize that a person with Autism and CP can have an IQ higher than 70.
Having an IQ higher than 70 will not automatically disqualify you from our program.
We at PAL recognize that a person with Autism and CP can have an IQ higher than 70.
Having an IQ higher than 70 will not automatically disqualify you from our program.
What does PAL do?
PAL rents apartments to adults with Developmental Disabilities. PAL tenants must be able to live semi-independently without regular supervision, but must receive support services to enable them to live as independently as possible. Tenants and their FRPs must pay their own expenses including rent, utilities, food, and support services. Supported Living Services (SLS) funding usually pays for support services for tenants who qualify through their local developmental disabilities service agency. Rent is $600 per month. To be eligible, tenants must have low incomes under federal guidelines. A $500 damage/security deposit is required, as well as a $500 one-time, non-refundable, Program Participation Fee.
All apartments have two bedrooms and are generally rented to two same-gender people per apartment (2 biological males or 2 biological females). Co-habitation is permitted among legally married couples where each person has a developmental disability. Some units have a washer and dryer and swimming pool. The buildings and units are not wheelchair accessible. PAL maintains all appliances in high quality operating conditions. The apartments are inspected once a month and the maintenance contractor is always on-call for repairs and emergencies.
I’ve been in the PAL program for 16 years. And it is just nice to have a place of my own that is very affordable, so I am still able to enjoy the fun things in life and maintain my sense of independence with as little assistance as possible.
– Adam, March 2021
What’s Important?
I have a choice…
- Choice of Place
- Choice of Roommate
- Choice of Helper/Trainer
- Choice of Lifestyle
I can be supported by the People I Love and Who Love Me…
- My family
- My friends
- The people who know me best
- People who want to see me succeed!
I will have new opportunities…
- To try new things
- To learn new things
- To make new friends
- To know I CAN DO IT!
- To Have A Place to Call My Own

Contact Us
PO BOX 98, Golden, CO 80402-0098